Mogstock 2014: Cowgirl’s Rock

CowGirls Rock!! The celebration OF THE YEAR and you are invited.

Round up the herd and get them in the gate for the usual event of music, food, drink, sun and fun!

It is a family friendly event, so don’t let the kids stop you from coming along! We will have a bouncy castle/ranch for them to wear themselves out.

Bring your own bottles, there will be a ‘donation’ bar with our own special hooch. We will have a range of food, and a barbeque for you to grill your own burgers and bangers.

If you feel like donating using modern methods, rather than putting cash in a bucket on the day (which also enables us to use Gift Aid) please follow this link to the official JustGiving Mogstock page:

If you wish to find out more about this year’s chosen charities, please follow these links:

  • PSDS. The home page of ‘Providing Support for children with Down Syndrome and Their Families
  • The Friends of Broome Park. The Charitable arm of the Broome Park Nursing Home, providing support, entertainments and presents for the residents and relatives of the home. Broome Park kindly donate the use of the marquees each year.

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