Mogstock’21: Chill!

We have great pleasure to announce the details of the new part of Mogstock, known as ‘Chill’. It is being held on Sunday the 18th of July. It is a “Come as You are” event, and showcasing some new young talent of the area. In the words of Poppy Jabelman, the showrunner, and her team:

“This year’s Mogstock Chill is for the so called “Generation Snowflake”: the people who’ve been told over and over again that they’re too sensitive, too PC and not able to handle the real world.

We believe that in today’s world, beset by uncertainty and injustice, that being ‘sensitive’ is no bad thing, and that those people who strive to be empathetic, to support others, to call out prejudice are more valuable than ever.

Our part of the festival aims to encourage empathy and soothe anxious minds, with a mix of old school classics, some great work by newer artists and viral favourites designed to put you at ease and bring people closer together.

In addition, we’re working with charities like Mind UK and the Surrey Wildlife Foundation to raise money for struggling young people and the protection of our beautiful countryside, promoting the vision of a kinder, more caring and balanced world.

We sincerely hope you’ll join us in doing so.”


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