Mogstock 2017: “We’re Going Down The Pub!”

Come down and join us for the usual Mogstock shenanigans, at the greatest pub in Surrey, if not the world, for a classic British Summer party.

Bands, Beer, Burgers, and more besides.

If you would like up-to-date and immediate notifications please jump over to our Facebook Event page and tell us you are coming along!

We are pleased to be supporting two charities this year:

  • Our usual, PSDS, (Providing Support for families with Down Syndrome – who support around 50 families in the area that have children with Downs Syndrome to aid speech & language therapy, occupational & physio therapies, school support & training.
  • A special charity Flighting for the Future, to fund a lovely little boy, Nicholas Stewart (in Reception class at Kingswood School) to get medical testing and treatment for a life-threatening illness over in the US (it is unavailable to him in the UK). His JustGiving page can be found here:

The current running order is as follows, with, as always, a chance of change, additions and tweaking.

  • 13:00-15:00 The Morris Dance Tour 2017 @ The Sportsman.
    6 Bands of Morris Dancers from the local area celebrate the summer in Surrey.
  • 15:00-15:30 Gary James.
    A local singer/songwriter playing covers and songs from his last few albums.
  • 15:45-16:00 The SlackDivas.
    A short set of acoustic covers.
  • 16:00-16:30 DJ Extra.
    Spinning summertime beats and Caribbean classics
  • 17:00-18:30 The 508s.
    Rock covers from the 90s to the present day.
  • 18:30-19:00 Charity Raffle Draw & Auction
    A short, rapid-fire auction with our host, Marc Jones of Time Well Spent Restaurants and Pubs
  • 19:00-20:00 The Ukule-A-Hee-Hoo Workshop.
    Bring your instruments along and join in (and learn from the masters) a fun and energetic barrel through famous songs throughout the ages. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Percussion, Kazoo, Harmonica, Woodwind, Strings, anything and everyone can join in!
  • 20:15-21:30 BunglesFinger.
    They play Rock and Roll! Covers of all eras from the 60s to the 10s.
  • 21:30-22:00 Dr.J
    Party tunes and dance anthems to end of our evening

If you feel like donating using modern methods, rather than putting cash in a bucket on the day (which also enables us to use Gift Aid) please follow this link to the official JustGiving Mogstock page:

If you wish to find out more about this year’s chosen charities, please follow these links:

  • PSDS. The home page of ‘Providing Support for children with Down Syndrome and Their Families
  • Flighting for the Future. Getting Nicholas to the medical experts he needs to carry on being a wonderful happy boy.

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